3730 Penn Avenue

3730 Penn Avenue, Sinking Spring, PA 19608

For Sale

10.23 Acres

3730 Penn Avenue

3730 Penn Avenue, Sinking Spring, PA 19608

For Sale

10.23 Acres

  • 3730 Penn Ave

Property Details

Lot Size:

10.23 Acres

No. Lots:


Property Type:

Retail, Land, Special Purpose, Office



Traffic Counts:

Route 442: 26,000 VPD
Shillington Rd: 10,000 VPD


3 Mile: 52,006
5 Mile: 128,652
7 Mile: 220,925

Project Description

3730 Penn Ave offers a great redevelopment opportunity on 10.23 acres along Sinking Springs main retail corridor. This site features ample frontage along Penn Ave ( 26,000 VPD) and is surrounded by national retailers such as McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Five Guys, Lidl, Wawa and more. This site would be an excellent fit for medical, office, retail, automotive, grocery and more.

Location Description:

Adding to the stability of the area, 3730 Penn Ave shows a 10-minute drive time demographic of over 72,728 people with household incomes of more than $105,265 and daytime employment demographics equally as strong with 36,168. The demographics within a 10-mile radius include 305,356 people in 114,527 homes, a labor force of 110,229 with an average household income of $84,593. The area’s growth has increased over 10.3% since 2000 with over 12,514 new homes.

Trade Area Description:

3730 Penn Ave is strategically positioned with significant frontage along Route 422 ( 26,000 VPD) with close proximity to Shillington Rd ( 10,000 VPD). Route 422 ( 26,000 VPD) is the main throughfare from Hershey to Reading and extends over 50 miles.

Property Location:

AVAILABLE LAND: 10.23 Acres Acres

3730 Penn Avenue, Sinking Spring PA 19608

3730 Penn Avenue, Sinking Spring PA 19608


Cale Bruso

Retail Associate
717.843.5555 ext 270



Adam Hagerman
Vice President 717.843.5555 x235
717.870.6932 ahagerman@bennettwilliams.com

Brad Rohrbaugh

Executive VP, Retail Director



Chad Stine

President & CEO



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